
MANDWASCO team had a consultative meeting with Banisa community elders on faecal sludge management.

Today MANDWASCO team had a consultative meeting with Banissa community elders on faecal sludge management for our exhauster service. Mandwasco extended toilet and septic tank exhausting service to Banissa as an effort of bringing service closer to people. Banissa community allocated a land for faecal sludge management for this vital service. Kudos Our Chief Executive […]
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A team led by our Chief Executive Officer, Kassim Haji Abdinoor, and Board Chairman, Bare Ali, together with the Elwasco team, successfully held a site meeting with the contractor for the Falama Water Supply project to emphasize the progress of the work. They then proceeded to different sites of the project for inspection to monitor […]
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Registration and licensing of Small Scale Water Service Providers within Mandera Municipality and its Environs

Today 2nd sept. 2023 MANDWASCO organized a registration and sensitization of small-scale water service providers and water booster operators. MANDWASCO is a regulated water service provider mandated to provide water and sewerage service in Mandera Municipality and its environs. The event was graced by the Deputy County Secretary, officials from county department of public health, […]
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Change of CEO

Mandera Water and Sewerage Co. Ltd (MANDWASCO) announces Change of CEO. MANDWASCO has announced a change of CEO, effective immediately. Mr. Abdikadir M. Tache who has been with the company for about five years, has stepped down from the role of CEO following his appointment to County Chief Officer Finance and will be replaced by […]
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