Water Resources

Today,17th Feb 2024, in Mombasa, Mandera County Government signed a financing agreement with Water Sector Trust Fund for the Takaba Water Supply project. The project is funded by the EU to improve water supply in arid areas. It covers construction works, pipe networks, tank construction, and more, targeting 8 counties. Mandera County will co-finance, and the project is expected to be completed in 3 months.

Today,On February 17th, 2024, a significant event took place at Pridein Mombasa where the Mandera County Government, in collaboration with Chief Officer Water and CEO of MANDWASCO, finalized a pivotal financing agreement with the Water Sector Trust Fund for the Takaba Water Supply project. The funding for this crucial project is made possible by the […]
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Today marked an important milestone as we initiated the process of renewing our license and tariff application with the water sector regulatory board, WASREB. Led by our CEO, we officially submitted all the necessary documents to commence the renewal process. In Kenya, a WASREB license is a mandatory requirement for water utility companies to operate. It serves as a regulatory measure to ensure that water services are provided efficiently and effectively to the public. It also sets standards for the tariff structure, ensuring fairness and affordability for consumers. Renewing our license and tariff application demonstrates our commitment to legal compliance and adherence to industry regulations. It reflects our dedication to offering reliable and high-quality water services to our valued customers. The renewal process entails a thorough evaluation of our operations, financial performance, and compliance with regulatory guidelines. WASREB will assess our adherence to quality standards, customer service, environmental sustainability, and overall performance. Upon completion of the renewal process, we look forward to obtaining our renewed license, allowing us to continue serving the community with utmost professionalism and excellence. Our goal is to maintain our position as a trusted provider of water services, ensuring the satisfaction and well-being of our customers. We remain optimistic that our license and tariff application will be approved, enabling us to operate seamlessly and contribute to the development of the Kenyan water sector. As an organization, we are dedicated to meeting and surpassing industry standards in order to deliver sustainable water solutions for the benefit of all.

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Recently, our CEO, along with the Board of Directors and the heads of departments, undertook a benchmarking exercise with the Malindi Water and Sewerage Company. The main objective of this tour was to examine the key operations and performance of Malindi water, which is regarded as one of the top water utilities in Kenya. Through this exercise, we aimed to evaluate our own operations and determine how effectively we measure up to our peers in the industry. During the tour, several areas were identified where improvements could be made. The team recognized the need for enhancing our water production processes, metering systems, and billing practices. Additionally, The team was warmly received by the Managing Director of Malindi Water and his team, who demonstrated a strong commitment to their mission and were open to the benchmarking exercise. Following the benchmarking visit, our team is now in the process of preparing comprehensive reports and recommendations for service improvement. These findings will guide us in implementing strategies and initiatives that address the identified areas of improvement. By incorporating the best practices observed during the tour, we aim to enhance our service delivery and ensure the provision of sustainable water and sanitation services to Mandera Municipality and surrounding areas. Overall, the benchmarking exercise with Malindi Water and Sewerage Company served as a valuable learning opportunity for our organization. It highlighted areas where we can enhance our operations and provided insights into how a successful water utility operates. By leveraging this knowledge, we are committed to achieving our goal of providing high-quality and sustainable water and sanitation services to our community.

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Dear esteemed customers and residents of Mandera Municipality, We regret to inform you that the recent heavy rainfall in Mandera and its surrounding areas has resulted in the Daua River bursting its banks. This unfortunate event has led to all our intakes being submerged in floodwaters, causing a significant disruption to the water supply in […]
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Our Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kassim Hajj Abdinoor, along with other Kenyan officials, is currently attending the International Water Conference at the Chicago McCormick Place, USA. The conference was organized by water and environment federation. The theme of the conference is harnessing water technology in water and sewerage service provision.

Our Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Kassim Hajj Abdinoor, along with other Kenyan officials, is currently attending the International Water Conference at the Chicago McCormick Place, USA. The conference was organized by water and environment federation. The theme of the conference is harnessing water technology in water and sewerage service provision.
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MANDWASCO team had a consultative meeting with Banisa community elders on faecal sludge management.

Today MANDWASCO team had a consultative meeting with Banissa community elders on faecal sludge management for our exhauster service. Mandwasco extended toilet and septic tank exhausting service to Banissa as an effort of bringing service closer to people. Banissa community allocated a land for faecal sludge management for this vital service. Kudos Our Chief Executive […]
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