Supplying water to the new CBD

The Mandera Municipality is modelling a new Central Business District. Trees have been planted and a public park set aside…they all need water to sustain the green look

The new CBD brings Mandera County Headquarters, Mandera County Assembly, Mandera County Hotel, Mandera Water and Sewerage Company and Mandera Municipality together alongside education institutions situated on the Elimu Avenue.

We are tasked of connecting water to a newly built Central Business District which will house essential service offices, the official residence of the Governor as well as that of the deputy governor, the residence of the speaker of County Assembly a new police station

Part of the new CBD has a County Hotel with 60 rooms ready for occupation immediately as well as two swimming pools.

The new CBD also comes with a state of the art County Assembly built in the shape of bullhead. It will house the chambers as well as the offices of the clerk, orderlies and all members of the county assembly.

These superstructures while they look appealing to the eye will not be habitable or enjoyable without an adequate water supply to meet the requirements of the people and services.

With the Mandera Medical Training School, the Mandera Technical Training College, the Mandera Teachers Training College all with student populations, teaching and subordinate staff, the greening of lawns and watering of trees, the demand for water in the new CBD will pile pressure on MANDAWASCO with demand steeply rising.

At MANDAWASCO, we are laying the infrastructure and reserve tanks to ensure the demand occasioned by the new CBD is met and served efficiently.

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