Addressing Water Security in Mandera County

Water is the lifeblood of humanity. With it, Mandera communities will thrive. But, when the supply and demand for fresh water are misaligned, the delicate environmental, social, and financial ecosystems on which we all rely on are at risk. 

Mandera County being an arid and semi-arid land is adversely exposed to Climate change, demographic shifts, and explosive economic growth all exacerbate existing water issues.

Water stress increases the risk for communities, our institutions like schools and hospitals, and businesses. Through proactive individual and collective action, we can combat the water crisis.

At Mandera Water and Sewerage Company, we are well aware that demand for water is rising and supply chain has challenges ranging from climate change witnessed through prolonged drought and flash floods that impacted our water intake points badly.

With limited budgets, we are prudently working to ensure the rapid growth of the Mandera Municipality population, and the ever-growing demand for water is met efficiently and sustainably.

Our team of dedicated staff is continuously working on development of water management programs that are tailored to address water supply gaps and cover acute scarcity for residents who used to walk several kilometers to access water or buy the same expensively from independent sellers.

Currently, we have a supply capacity of 1,300 metres cubed against a demand of 7,300 metres cubed per day.

We are here to help you

(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)