Connecting more people to water supply

The Mandera Water and Sewerage Company has recorded tremendous achievements since the inauguration of its board in 2018.

Mandera Town residents now enjoy uninterrupted clean water supply unlike in the past where they relied on water bowsers.

This is in line with Mandera Governor Ali Roba’s manifesto of building and improving water and sewerage services in the vast county.

More than 2000 households were now connected to water supply compared to 300 previously.

MANDWASCO which is Mandera County Government’s Water Service Provider (WSP) was formed to provide clean and sufficient water supply to residents.

Apart from rehabilitating water intake points along River Daua, the company has drilled boreholes thus increasing its supplies.

To ensure customer satisfaction, MANDWASCO has a toll number where customers can call for new connections, reconnections, raise complaints and offer compliments.

MANDWASCO signed a Service Provision Agreement (SPA) with the Northern Water Services Board (NWSB) on 27th June 2017, which gave it legal mandate to operate as a WSP. Currently, it serves an area of about 99.2 square kilometres extending from Neboi to Border Point 1 at the Kenya/ Ethiopia/ Somalia border, in the northeastern tip of Kenya.

The Mandera County Government has since granted MANDWASCO additional jurisdiction to cover the entire county, which is approximately 25,991 square kilometres. Currently, the company serves an estimated population of 150,000 in Mandera Town and its environs.

However, MANDWASCO is currently legally constituted and has embarked on a progressive path to provide adequate water and sewerage services as per its mandate.

Prior to the inauguration of MANDWASCO board, water supply was inadequate and unreliable; pump breakdowns were prevalent and affected water supply, which was dependent on continuous pumping; the county was reeling from the effects of drought and water was predominantly sourced along the bed and banks of River Daua.

Furthermore, there was poor revenue collection at sub-county offices and ward levels despite huge investment in new boreholes and water pans while the  management of water and sewerage services in Mandera Town was very poor.



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